Two Good Weekends

Two weekends ago Scott and I decided to ride a century (aka 100 miles on bikes) to prepare for the Vino Fondo.  It was a windy day, but the sun was shining and it wasn’t too hot, so I really can’t complain all that much.  Here’re some pictures from the day.

We were just riding along, a couple of miles outside of Alton, when Scott's rear wheel started to make a funny noise. Then it made a loud gunshoty noise. He blew out a tire.

Yep, he actually broke his tire, not just the tube. Luckily we were able to patch it together and limp back into Alton where he was able to buy a new tire.

On the way back into STL as we were crossing the bridge a barge floated underneath. It was so cool. And it made me wonder how they steer those things.

What up STL? Such a welcome sight after a long day on the bike.

Just this past weekend I went to a friend’s wedding in Indianapolis.  There was a wonderful gathering of people there and the wedding was beautiful and the reception was hopping.

Four good friends who don't see each other nearly enough.

Lesch and Esch looking fresh.

The wedding was a blast but unfortunately all good things must come to an end.  There were some pretty bad storms rolling through STL when I got back.  One of them dumped baseball sized hail down.  Gerald, my trust car, didn’t fare so well.

6 Knee Surgeries Later…

I had my first knee surgery when I was 15.  Another one on the opposite leg a year and a month later.  The next year I was told I had to stop playing sports for my school.  During college, when I wasn’t playing anything, I had four more knee surgeries.  All total six surgeries by the time I turned 22.  I’ve tried physical therapy, medicine, resting, being stronger, nothing seems to help my knees get better. So I knew it was kind of a long shot when I decided that I wanted to run the GO! St. Louis Half Marathon.  But I knew I wanted to try.

I didn’t tell many people, mainly because I kept getting responses like, “You’re doing what??”  or “Dumbass”.  I can’t really argue with those responses.  I figured I’d give it a go anyway.  I knew pain management would be key, and I made a promise to myself and a few of my very concerned friends that if I started doing damage to my knees I would stop.

Sunday April 15th 2012 was the Marathon/Half Marathon.  And lo and behold I was able to do it.  I knew I wasn’t going to win, even in my days as an athlete I was never fast.  I had no real goal except to finish.  So I took my camera along with me so I could capture the race for you through my eyes.  You’re welcome.

Heading out of my apartment to go catch the 5:57 metro.

They put these really nifty water fountain attachments onto the fire hydrants along the route where the water stations were.

Just hanging out at the starting line with all my besties.

This is the friend who I ride bikes with. The same one who I have crashed bikes with. She has killer tan lines. And is also faster than me running. No surprise there.

They didn't know I was taking the picture. From the look of my face I also might have surprised myself. But we were finally moving. Woohoo.

The starting line.

These fun kids came out to watch and cheer us on. How wonderful are they? How could you not help but enjoy yourself when seeing those faces and that excitement?

Another surprise. Kate showed up. On her bike. THe bike wasn't a surprise. Kate is often on a bike. But I didn't know I would be seeing Kate. She even rode her bike with me for a few miles. How wonderful

This is me running. What the really important thing here is my right calf. Go ahead and look at it in all its chiseled glory.

This is right before Kate left to go eat donuts. I apparently surprised myself by taking a picture again. I've got to stop doing that.

These are some more friends that I didn't know were going to be there. They even made me a sign. It said "Sweet Caroline. Run. Run. Run" How clever is that?

These are the first marathon finishers passing me. I still have about three miles to go.

The finish line. It looks surprisingly similar to the starting line, but with far fewer people in front of it.

What great friends. They came out to cheer. And then they took a picture with me when I was all smelly and sweaty.

We Finished!!! Hooray!!!! It's naptime!!!!




Rejoice Today!

I entered the dark chapel and sat down by myself.  Alone but completely surrounded by people who share my beliefs.  A flame is lit at the front of the chapel and from that flame a candle.  The fire is passed to each individual in the church, who in turn each light his or her own candle.  The soft candle light grows and swells until the once dark chapel is alive and glowing.  We sing as we pass the fire from one person to the next.

“Christ be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness.  Christ be our light! Shine in your church gathered today.”

We sit and listen to the miraculous works of God starting with creation.  We hear of him protecting and fighting for his chosen people as he led them out of Egypt.  We hear of the foretelling of his son.  When it is time for the Gospel reading we sing the familiar “Alleluia” that has been absent throughout Lent.  I can’t help but smile as I sing the familiar melody and I realize how much I have missed it.

We bless the baptismal waters and then in turn all get blessed with the holy water.  It’s hard not to smile watching Fr. Gary swing his olive branch without abandon doing his best to get everyone as drenched as possible.  The poor soul following him with the bowl of water gets the worst of it.

“As I went down to the river to pray, studyin’ about that good ol’ way and who shall wear the starry crown.  Good Lord, show me the way.  O sisters let’s go down, let’s go down, come on down,  O isters let’s go down, down to the river to pray.”

As the people to be baptized  profess their baptismal vows, the entire congregation renews theirs.  I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long, but this year I really realized how much it sounded like a wedding.

Do you reject Satan? I DO And all his works? I DO And all his empty promises?  I DO…. We all profess our faith loudly each individual voice joining seamlessly with the rest in a booming I DO.  It gave me the shivers.

There were five baptisms this year.  Five individuals who of their own accord decided that this was what they believed and this was the community they wanted to belong to.  After each person there was a raucous applause and singing of “Alleluia”.  The angel choirs of heaven will be hard pressed to surpass the joyous noise we made.

Alleluia!  Alleluia!  Alleluia!  Alleluia!  Alleluia! Alleluia!”

The bread and wine were consecrated and we all shared in a meal, the same meal that Jesus shared with his disciples on the night before he died.

We are one body, one body in Christ, and we do not stand alone.  We are one body, one body in Christ, and He came that we might have life.  For He tells us: ‘When you eat my body and you drink my blood, I will live in you and you will live in my love.  When you eat my body and you drink my blood, I will live in you and you will live in my love.’ We are one body, one body in Christ, and we do not stand alone.  We are one body, one body in Christ, and He came that we might have life…” 

And with that the Mass has ended.  Let us go in peace to love and serve the Lord.  Thanks be do God.  Alleluia.

And we excited the chapel singing “Rejoice! Today” and that’s exactly what we are doing.

Monday Mountain Bike

I’ve concluded that daylight savings time is a great thing.  Mainly because I can now get out for a mountain bike ride after a day at work.  And I’m not the only one doing it.

Seriously, who wouldn't want to come out here after work. Also, it's a good thing those flowers smelled good. Because it was 90 degrees and I sure didn't smell good.

We road just under 12 miles out at Greensfelder Park, most of which were on a black diamond trail.  It was not easy.  I sweat a lot.  It was a ton of fun.

Catching a breath, getting a drink, and getting ready to tackle the next section of trail.

I came to a couple of conclusions while riding yesterday.  First of all, mountain biking is significantly more difficult than road biking.  Secondly, sharing trails with horses is not at all fun.  Largely because they leave their poop everywhere and I frequently have no choice but to ride through it.  And also because their hoofs chop up the trail.  I have never felt as though I needed full suspension on my bike until yesterday when I was riding over areas that should have been flowy and fun and I could hardly hold on to my bike I was getting jostled so badly from the poor trail conditions caused by the horses.  I didn’t just want to point out the problems though.  I’ve also come up with solutions.  Horse owners should have to clean up after their pets just like dog owners do.  And they should also have to wear slippers while on the trail.  I think this would make everyone (everyone meaning mountain bikers) much more happy.

New Friends

I have a great group of friends, I really do.  In recent months it has become more apparent that they are all fast.  More importantly, they are all faster than me.  Allow me to explain.

I ride my bike approximately 100 miles a week.  But when we go on group rides I am always the last one.  When we’re out rock climbing I have to climb the easiest routes and I’m again the slowest.  If we are doing something that involves running, my sprint is pretty much equivalent to everyone else’s power walk.

I’m tired of being last.  So I’m going to do something about it.  No, I’m not going to go to the gym more so that I’ll be stronger and climb better.  I’m not going to ride my bikes by myself so I get faster.  I’m not going to run to get in better shape.  No agility drills to get fast.  Nope.  I’m going to find new friends.

Below I’ve listed a few requirements for those wishing to apply

  • Age 21-27
  • Have at least 2 different bikes and reasons for both of them
  • Prefer wheat beer
  • Have a bedtime of around 10pm
  • Be a good story teller
  • Not like worms

Please submit a letter of intent and a resume listing any pertinent qualifications for being my new friend.  Also a 437 word essay on the benefits of Crest Cool Mint Gel toothpaste.  New friends I look forward to meeting you.


This past weekend I went to Chicago to visit one of my best friends.  There also happened to be a few other people from WashU visiting that same weekend.  It was quite the glorious reunion.

Saturday afternoon I got to go and play futsal, indoor soccer on a smaller field with no walls and a slightly weighted ball.  For 2.5 hours I was running around with the guys playing.  And for that being the first time I’ve played soccer in four years, I didn’t do too badly.

My friend and I were the only two girls in the place. It was kinda baller

Saturday night we met up with the other WashUers in Chicago and went out Guthrie’s, a bar that has tons of board games to play.  There ended up being 9 of us and it was really great to get to see everyone.

On Sunday, after my friend participated in the Hustle up the Hancock, we met up for Mass.  There were six of us that all went to Old St. Pat’s for Mass.  Three of them were from the class of ’11, I graduated in ’10, and the other two were from ’08.  We all had different majors and extra curricular activities.  The one thing that we all had in common was the CSC.  It is a pretty wonderful testament to the power of the community that is created there when a group of six young women meet up in a city and make it a priority to attend Mass with each other.  I couldn’t be more grateful to the CSC for the friendships that it has given me.

Naturally after Mass we all went out to brunch.

It was a wonderful weekend full of good friends, good food, and good conversations.  Not sure I could ask for more.


Zoo Cougars, Sex Dungeons, and Butt Monkeys

I spent Saturday on the White River in Mountain Home, Arkansas fishing with my Pops.  We woke up to a grey, cloudy, damp, cool day. Perfect fishing weather. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much water running through the dam so the river was low and the fishing wasn’t very good.  But I can’t really complain, I got to spend a day outside with my dad fishing.  All things I love so I was pretty happy.  Dad did manage to catch a really nice  brown trout.  I caught a couple of little rainbows, nothing special though.

Dad with his brown trout

We fished streamers for a large portion of the day.  I can’t remember ever having used this technique before.  So, in addition to getting to be outside, on the river, with my dad, I got to learn more about fly fishing.  Win.  The streamer fishing was a lot of work, but it was made better by the names of the flies we were using: butt monkeys, circus peanuts, sex dungeons, candy shops, zoo cougars.

Zoo Cougar

Butt Monkey

When dad and I got home from fishing on Saturday night mom had one of our favorite meals waiting for us: chicken pie, red applesauce, and a buttermilk cake.  I don’t think a girl could ask for more in a weekend.

Two Things That Made My Day

Last night I was restocking the seat bags that I have on my bikes.  I’d had flat tires on both bikes recently and didn’t want to get caught out on the road without a spare tube with me.  I opened the bag on the single speed and saw a tube already in there.  I thought that maybe I had put a popped tube in after I changed the flat. But then I realized that the tube was a different brand from what I have at my apartment.

What I think happened: I took the bike in the weekend after the flat to have the wheels tensioned and trued.  The bike shop mechanics noticed that I didn’t have a tube in the bag and put one in for me.

This morning a coworker and I decided to combat the cold, rainy, dreariness outside with some Starbucks hot chocolate.  I got mine and, as is my habit, immediately slurped off all of the whipped cream.  The barista noticed my liking for whipped cream and offered to put more on for me.  Two times the whipped cream for one time the hot chocolate. Yay!

Go Fish

I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me when I got to work this morning.  My dad had emailed me to see when I was available to go fishing.  As I may have mentioned before, I like to go fishing with my dad.  We went to the White River down in Arkansas during the spring of my senior year and in October we went out to Montana to fish the Missouri River.

Me and Pops on the White River

We are heading down to the White River once again on February fourth.  Yeah, it’ll probably be cold.  But winter time is when the trophy trout come out to play.

Big Brown, watch out.  I’m coming for you.

The Griswolds Go Skiing

This year for Christmas we didn’t get a tree or do much with presents.  We didn’t have a turkey and the trimmings.  Instead we went to Colorado for three days of skiing at Beaver Creek.

For three days we tore up the slopes of Beaver Creek.  We all took turns skiing with one another and it was wonderful getting to spend time with my family.

The Hermano getting ready to show off his mad skills.

Mom tearing up the slopes

Colorado sure is beautiful

Me and Pops at the top of the mountain.

This is Helmut. He is from Switzerland. He was playing the Alphorn.

Turns out the brother does have mad skills.